Kara ‘Step’

Alright, Kara’s back from Japan and they’re sorta making it big.. i dunno but they’ve been gone like foreverrrrr. really? why so long? ehhh but i’m glad they’re back.. they’re actually one of my girl group favorites…and trust me.. i don’t usually like girl groups… haha Their main track Step is pretty upbeat and has this clubbish vibe i could booty shake to it all night long.. haha but that’s exactly what they do in the mv.. booty shake.. there was seriously no second that a member wasn’t booty shaking.. I guess since they’re trying to get attention again their designers want them to go for retro clothing?



here are my peeves… (sorry if i offend any kamilla’s)

its cool that their matching and all but really? my eyes sorta hurt.. okay they really hurt. i GET it you’re all gorgeous.. now sew some fabric onto goo hara’s shirt. you have successfully got my attention.

Now for the MV. it’s just like any other dance mv.. but i really like their dance moves but the clothes.. argh.. i know you have to be like at the top of the “cool idols club” but bumble bee strips all over your clothes…= headaches for hours. whenever i think of japan i think of really bright and vibrant colors (in a good way) and kara has deff took some note of that. I can imagine millions of clothing stores in asia designing new brighter clothes so that all us teenagers can look like super retro kara look-a-likes.. oh well better get out my neon socks for school tomorrow 🙂 haha


my advice: watch it with sunglasses on hehe jk 😛

Hook Ups and Break Ups

So i guess like a couple of weekends ago sm ent and i guess shin se kyung’s agency announced of their official break-up. A thousand shawols around the world let a sigh. Seriously though when i go through the comments i got sorta scared, i feel sympathy for kpop artists, ya know? Some of the comments were so rude, like good now i’ll go back to being their fans…. like what the fudgeciccles. naw, that aint cool. anyways they ‘broke up’ due to the ability to not see each other cause their to busy right? so i’m thinking that there should probs be no post-breakup drama? and i’m wrong again. Apparently shin se kyung posted a picture of herself in a facial mask saying that this is her way of recovering from the break up?

now my question for her. if your agencies stated that its cause you guys couldn’t see each other and you ended on happy terms why do you need to get a facemask done to get over the break up? hmmm? hmm?

haha welll now on to other news. HARA AND JUNHYUNG ARE DATING? WHAT?

i think bu2ty’s around the world just burst into tears. me: Well you know what junhyung you weren’t my favortite anyways 😥  sniff sniff

i have nothing against hara, she’s talented, beautiful, skinny as a twig, in kara. The couple just seems idunno random? Sucks i bet now they have to use another beast member in the MVs cause junhyung’s ya know.. taken.. So i assume that about a billion men/boys are tearing up about hara being taken cause seriously people.. like the only searches i ever get on this website is for goo hara. HOW MANY PEOPLE LIKE HER. alot. haha even in my little world i know… I’m sad that junhyung’s taken, i’m happy for them i guess….. (not really XD), i’m confused cause she needs to eat a little more to put some meat on dem bones but yea.. i guess i’m stable from this shock ( ha ha.. shock..) of the lifetime.. wish them well.. really.. sniff sniifff 😥

and now the photo evidence

there are others of them like holding hands and stuff go to allkpop they have about 12 pictures x) haha