The return of F.T.ISLAND

The boys are back girls let’s prepare ourselves. Haha well i’m not a big f.t. island fan, i have nothing against them i just haven’t took the time to listen to their music but since i recently got obsessed with 100 point out of 100 points i was like

Awww hongki is adorbs, i need to listen to his music now that i know he’s funny..

haha yea… i crazy like that.. well since i started listening to them i’m thinking wait.. do they have any recent albums.. and the answer was like no 2 weeks ago the only albums they had were japanese cause they were gone from the korean scene for about months. GOOD THING they’re back, finally.  Their new mini album Return (um.. does that make you guys sorta laugh to..?)  was released recently? i’m not good with dates -____-  but their opener is ‘Hello Hello’

i say its a cute song and the video makes me giggle:

other than hongki’s awkward nail polish on ONLY his pointer and pinky finger he’s vocals are KILLER.

my favorite parts of this mv:

the english in the beginning and the excessive amount of random white people

hongki’s nails that keep reflecting

the guy in the beginning sitting atop the firetruck singing

hongki running into the burning building, coughing and stumbling around and then proceeds to fall asleep in-the-burning-building.. good one hongki

and jonghun cause he’s my bias ^_^ haha btw  does anyone else notice that on jonghun’s twitter his little id is

FTIsland Cool & SeXy guitarIST Jong Hooooon ლ(❛◡❛ლ)”

Oh Jonghun.. you are soo right 😉