Kara ‘Step’

Alright, Kara’s back from Japan and they’re sorta making it big.. i dunno but they’ve been gone like foreverrrrr. really? why so long? ehhh but i’m glad they’re back.. they’re actually one of my girl group favorites…and trust me.. i don’t usually like girl groups… haha Their main track Step is pretty upbeat and has this clubbish vibe i could booty shake to it all night long.. haha but that’s exactly what they do in the mv.. booty shake.. there was seriously no second that a member wasn’t booty shaking.. I guess since they’re trying to get attention again their designers want them to go for retro clothing?



here are my peeves… (sorry if i offend any kamilla’s)

its cool that their matching and all but really? my eyes sorta hurt.. okay they really hurt. i GET it you’re all gorgeous.. now sew some fabric onto goo hara’s shirt. you have successfully got my attention.

Now for the MV. it’s just like any other dance mv.. but i really like their dance moves but the clothes.. argh.. i know you have to be like at the top of the “cool idols club” but bumble bee strips all over your clothes…= headaches for hours. whenever i think of japan i think of really bright and vibrant colors (in a good way) and kara has deff took some note of that. I can imagine millions of clothing stores in asia designing new brighter clothes so that all us teenagers can look like super retro kara look-a-likes.. oh well better get out my neon socks for school tomorrow 🙂 haha


my advice: watch it with sunglasses on hehe jk 😛

U-kiss. Neverland.

Dear all the Kiss-me’s out there.

I friggin love ukiss’s new song/album. No lie. Their album is on repeat in my ipod. i can’t help it they make me drool. The MV was alright.. but ya know how uncreative the industries become, at least they didn’t have  dongho going crazy over his invisible girlfriend again. I’m dissapointed though, we all know the power vocal is kevin but seriously? does he have to sing the whole song? OKAY. he doesn’t sing the whole song but a good length of it and i can see that kiseop still has like 2 lines per song. i’m also sad that after they cut xander and kibum they vowed to have a fresh new theme that would give everyone equal-ish lines in the songs? yea.. i’m pissed. Have to admit thought dark looking hoon is friggin SEXAY. i’m pretty much liking all their new do’s but.. dongho… why oh why do you always get the short end of the stick? why? por que???? haha he’s hair looks like a modernized mushroom cut… lol.. poor baby.

embrace the sexy.

I’m always one of those go-through-the-whole-album-find-your-other-favorite-song-that’s-not-the-main-song kind of chick so my favorite so far is ‘Take Me Away’. Kevin’s always been my favorite in the vocal category and i love him singing me some beautiful english.. if i could guess the 3 people who sang in this song.. i’m putting my money on kevin, soohyun, and hoon. It’s obvious.. but i still love it? haha listennnnn 🙂


*drumroll* NOW THE MV. tell me if you think its cool? crappish? garbage? sexy as hell? etc. 🙂