B2ST comeback? heck yea!

hellllllllls yes. beast is back on may 17th with a new album babyy! it’s actually apparently their “first” album which is confusing me cause they’ve had albums.. anyways.. i mean their mini-albums have like 8 songs on them, does that not count as a real album or something? they’ve debuted for like years.. so only NOW do they get their album.. come on cube ent. hop on it! haha yes so let’s support them and scream all girlishly when we see their comeback on youtube cause us american girls aren’t lucky enough to live in korea, boo hoo šŸ˜¦ i’m a b2uty too, come love me haha

p.s. you guys like the picture? i do too šŸ˜‰ specially my kikwang and his shirt up and all haha enjoy

love, leeeeee

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