Korean Music Festival 9, Hollywood Bowl 2011

hey there lucky people reading our blog, sorry we haven’t blogged.. but AP exams are sort of a killer, like Jack the ripper killer, like Freddie, like Jason.. ok you get it 🙂 haha so i’ve been on allkpop and they’ve had the same banner up for like 3 months and i’m thinking wtheck is this korean music festival thing so i go take a look and i’m mad. REAL mad. why do koreans hate us? WHYY? why can they not understand not all of us are affluent enough to purchase a ticket to california to see them. its just not possible in this time of year and with college around the corner YA RITE.

“hey mom, umm can i borrow like $600 to go see a concert?”

“the hell? no f-ing way you think i crap money..”

^that’s my idea of what would happen if i asked my mom for ‘that’ kind of money.. ha anyways since most of us are unfortunate to live forever away there are always videos LUCKY US and there are about a billion pictures on allkpop.com if you wanna look there too.

go to youtube too because there are like what? a hundred vids of this and i might like super spam you computer if i list em here.. ya know haha enjoy though cause there are lots of bands.. 🙂

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