The return of F.T.ISLAND

The boys are back girls let’s prepare ourselves. Haha well i’m not a big f.t. island fan, i have nothing against them i just haven’t took the time to listen to their music but since i recently got obsessed with 100 point out of 100 points i was like

Awww hongki is adorbs, i need to listen to his music now that i know he’s funny..

haha yea… i crazy like that.. well since i started listening to them i’m thinking wait.. do they have any recent albums.. and the answer was like no 2 weeks ago the only albums they had were japanese cause they were gone from the korean scene for about months. GOOD THING they’re back, finally.  Their new mini album Return (um.. does that make you guys sorta laugh to..?)  was released recently? i’m not good with dates -____-  but their opener is ‘Hello Hello’

i say its a cute song and the video makes me giggle:

other than hongki’s awkward nail polish on ONLY his pointer and pinky finger he’s vocals are KILLER.

my favorite parts of this mv:

the english in the beginning and the excessive amount of random white people

hongki’s nails that keep reflecting

the guy in the beginning sitting atop the firetruck singing

hongki running into the burning building, coughing and stumbling around and then proceeds to fall asleep in-the-burning-building.. good one hongki

and jonghun cause he’s my bias ^_^ haha btw  does anyone else notice that on jonghun’s twitter his little id is

FTIsland Cool & SeXy guitarIST Jong Hooooon ლ(❛◡❛ლ)”

Oh Jonghun.. you are soo right 😉


Sandara Park Makes a Mean Shoe…

Yup. Your favorite “4-D” girl in 2NE1 is officially a shoe designer. Well, not officially, but she just uploaded a picture of a shoe she designed on Adidas…. or something.

It’s pretty cute, I must say. Even if I’m not a Blackjack, I can appreciate adorable sneakers. Plus, how small do her feet look? I mean, DAYUM.

Aren't they mildly cute?

You’re blocking my view boyfriend.

no.. i’m not writing about my view being blocked by my boyfriend. i was trying to be punny.. oh well so on this lonely thursday i’m going to write about 2 new boy bands *gasp* :

Block B


heheh it was just tooooo cute i couldn’t help it 🙂 but here’s they’re REAL pictcha

awwww they’re cute too.. sleeping and all..

now do you get my joke on the.. title.. of post… yea…. okay so i’m “not” funny. 😦 haha

so block b has an album out ‘Do you wanna B’ oh yess i wanna be.. that actually sounds like wannabe.. not cool block b not cool. so i was surfing youtube.. as usual.. and found them and then some slight annoyance between commenters:

“they’re copying Big Bang”

that’s how i summed it up by looking at like the cut-throat fans’s posts.. but alright let’s throwdown kitties, they are, i repeat, are NOT big bang.. they have like 7 members in the band.. last time i checked big bang only has 5.. yes they have a rapper and when have you listened to a rapper with a high pitched voice and think “OH MAN! this guy is the coolest person on the PLANET EARTH.” i think not.. so what? he has a deep voice, so do other legit rappers (simon d, top, taecyeon, junhyung, etc.) oops.. i forgot jaybummie has a slightly higher voice.. but he has the best of both worlds.. he can sing and rap.. so.. yea.. haha just because like 2 members have deep voices does not mean that they are trying to copy TOP from big bang.. alright? ok… throwdown over. they’re a hip hop group but what group isn’t? hope they can debut well. let’s support them alright?

here’s their super badass MV, that guy with the poodle hair amuses me. everytime i try to look away it doesn’t happen. i’m enticed by the poodle 🙂

ALRIGHT. so boyfriend the other boy group has not officially debuted but they’re on the rise cause they released a teaser (stop teasing me fools, just GIVE it to me lol) they sound good? i dunno but the 59 sec teaser kept me excited? they’re dancing on water.. if i danced on water would i look super cool and sexy too? maybe not. but they do so check em’ out!  Just checked again.. they reason behind dancing on water is because their single is called waterfloor.. um.. what? hold on is the song about mopping the water off the floor? are boys equivalent to puddles of water on the floor being moped up by women? i don’t exactly understand the point of the song yet but i’m hoping and praying that they’re good and HOT. haha the first thing i notice when the teaser starts is that one lone guy with no undershirt on under his blazer (hells yes. MIROTIC) yup.. i noticed.. boyfriend.. i noticed ahaha

tease me (my new name for teasers):

Block B and Boyfriend FIGHTING!


B2st’s new song, Fiction!

WOOOOOH! our beloved b2st is back and they got themselves a new song kids. Fiction. it’s actually sort of amazing haha. but so they’ve gone somewhat out of the ordinary.. i don’t think b2st entirely has a theme anyways so maybe they’re just evolving? haha i dunno, but i do know that this song is different and its REALLY good. i’m quite amazed actually.

funny fact i learned about their MV from youtubiee

“Junhyung is always the member who has scenes with girl because : -Doojoon and Kikwang already have a lot of scenes with girls in dramas and CFs -Dongwoon, as a maknae, gives the scene to his beloved hyungs -Yoseob will look like the girl’s younger brother -When Hyunseung stands next to the girl, poeple just can’t decide who’s prettier” -someone’s tumblr

^weird.. i guess but the MV is to die for. i swear sexy.. but umm hyunseung what the heck did you do to your beautiful hair!!!! people already give you the nickname of 4d personality now.. you just look like a carrot.. why why why? ergg but here enjoy their sexiness. kiddies.

My Cry to the K-Drama World

Dear Dramas,

Thanks for existing, but seriously.

So I’m not personally a huge k-drama fan, but I’m just gonna go ahead and declare my love for the one, the only, the best drama in the history of LIFE…..


So You’re Beautiful is seriously amazing. I’m talking, LMAO at parts and then sobbing uncontrollably at other parts. I know this is old news (REALLY REALLY OLD NEWS) but this show made my life for 8 long weeks in Sophomore year. Best parts?

1. Hwang Tae Kyung

I love Jang Geun Suk (haters… you know where to go) and he was friggin hilarious in You’re Beautiful. I mean, his sneer was epic and his sulks were hilarious. Plus, all that emo eye candy was just perfecto.

2. Hongki

Try to resist those tears. TRY DAMMIT.

So Jeremy, played by the absolutely adorable Lee Hongki of F.T. Island, was the comic relief for much of the series, but he could definitely dish it out emotionally- remember the scene on the bus? Jeremy confesses his feelings to his dream guy/girl, and it’s just heartbreaking. I came back to You’re Beautiful even when it annoyed me, because I knew that Hongki would deliver, week after week. An eternal devotion to this little guy was born when I saw him with Angelina Jolie (his dog, not the mother of the entire continent of Africa).

3. The Parodyin’

"Sorry Sorry" parody. Can you say BETTER THAN THE ORIGINAL.

So the premise of the whole show was kinda weird (a little too close to home for YG, JYP and SM’s comfort level) but it SO. WORKED. Like, the parodies of Sorry Sorry and old-timer KPOP was totally amazing, and maybe that’s why the show was so beloved by fans worldwide. I mean, this is my own personal ode to You’re Beautiful, but I’m pretty sure it works for any person who watched it. ANJELL. FOREBAH. as Jokwon would say it.

B2ST comeback? heck yea!

hellllllllls yes. beast is back on may 17th with a new album babyy! it’s actually apparently their “first” album which is confusing me cause they’ve had albums.. anyways.. i mean their mini-albums have like 8 songs on them, does that not count as a real album or something? they’ve debuted for like years.. so only NOW do they get their album.. come on cube ent. hop on it! haha yes so let’s support them and scream all girlishly when we see their comeback on youtube cause us american girls aren’t lucky enough to live in korea, boo hoo 😦 i’m a b2uty too, come love me haha

p.s. you guys like the picture? i do too 😉 specially my kikwang and his shirt up and all haha enjoy

love, leeeeee

Korean Music Festival 9, Hollywood Bowl 2011

hey there lucky people reading our blog, sorry we haven’t blogged.. but AP exams are sort of a killer, like Jack the ripper killer, like Freddie, like Jason.. ok you get it 🙂 haha so i’ve been on allkpop and they’ve had the same banner up for like 3 months and i’m thinking wtheck is this korean music festival thing so i go take a look and i’m mad. REAL mad. why do koreans hate us? WHYY? why can they not understand not all of us are affluent enough to purchase a ticket to california to see them. its just not possible in this time of year and with college around the corner YA RITE.

“hey mom, umm can i borrow like $600 to go see a concert?”

“the hell? no f-ing way you think i crap money..”

^that’s my idea of what would happen if i asked my mom for ‘that’ kind of money.. ha anyways since most of us are unfortunate to live forever away there are always videos LUCKY US and there are about a billion pictures on if you wanna look there too.

go to youtube too because there are like what? a hundred vids of this and i might like super spam you computer if i list em here.. ya know haha enjoy though cause there are lots of bands.. 🙂